
Beezid: Beezid review and rating, Is Beezid safe or is it a scam?


Name: Beezid
Rating: 7/10
Email support: Yes
Phone support: Yes
Livechat: Yes, automated
Cost per bid: $1
Bid Increment: $0.01
Operating times: 24/7
Shipping/Handling: Worldwide
Autobid: Yes
Losing Bids Credited: No
<!– @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –>beezid review <!– @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –>
Beezid launched the last week of october 2009. BeeZid.com has reveal auctions, they started with a reveal auction for a 2010 cherry-red Dodge Challenger SRT8.
Bids start at $1 and can be obtained for as low as $0.60 when a bidpack of 200 is purchased.
BeezidBeezid – These are all new products starting at $0 each. The types of auctions they offer are: normal, cherry, reveal. Their reveal auctions are unique in that they start at a high price and go down by $0.20 with each bid; they also don’t have timers. Once the price of a reveal auction has reached their “sweet spot” you’ll then be able to see a “buy now” button instead of “reveal”. They will also soon be offering the option to login to their site via Facebook Connect, which is something that no other penny auctions on this list offer. Bid Packs are available in quantities of 30, 50, 100, 200, 350 and 500; prices range from $27 to $300. Their creative drop and drag feature lets you customize the way auctions appear, letting you move them around and put the ones that interest you most on top. As far as limitations, users can win up to 10 auctions within a 28-day period – though some items do have their own special limitations based on their “Auction Group”.

Cherry Auctions:
Cherry auctions are for users that have not won an auction yet.
Thriller Auctions:
Thriller auctions, just like nailbiter auctions, do not allow the use of autobids.
Bid for Free:
Bid for free auctions let you bid as many times as you’d like for free but you have to pay the auction’s end price.
Detailed Rating:
Overall, Beezid is a nice website. They aren’t scammers and deliver. Their weaknesses are:

  • the auction ending
  • the lack of diversity in their offer
  • little restrictions to prevent resellers from bidding over « real » people
  • little chances to win
Customer Feedback: 5/10
They is really a lot of feedback about Beezid on the web. Most of the people speaking about Beezid are extremely negative. Some think that only resellers with strategies (link to beezid pro) and a lot of cash can make profit. Their system doesn’t protect the casual visitor.
Auction Ending: 3/10
All penny auction website hae something in common. When you watch their homepage for the first time you have that disturbing feeling that auctions are never ending. (link when do auction end)
Products: 5/10
Beezid is mainly issuing auction on electronics and high tech products as well as a lot of bid packs and vouchers. Too little products to be fun and thrilling.
Ease of use: 9/10
Beezid got a nice website which is really easy to use. Most of their auction modes are clear.
Auction modes: 4/10
Very limited and not really thrilling. Classic and boring.
Prices: 5/10
Too high when compared to the chances to actually win something worth it.
Chances to win: 3/10
Most people will tell you that they are never winning anything on Beezid. Their margins are too big and the chances to win too low.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fashion-articles/beezid-beezid-review-and-rating-is-beezid-safe-or-is-it-a-scam-2406746.html
Author: Penny Auction
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fashion-articles/beezid-beezid-review-and-rating-is-beezid-safe-or-is-it-a-scam-2406746.html